Strong & Beautiful SUPERMOM Contest GIVEAWAY with Rachel Smith Photography
MOMS - our hearts are full, but our hands are fuller. We're overworked, over-tired, over-run, and rarely get US time. As much as we love our little ones, we sure do miss having a day where we can watch Lifetime movies instead of Mickey Mouse. We miss being able to go to the bathroom without little fingers peaking underneath the door with a little voice screaming, "Let me in!" We miss lots of normal everyday things that we sacrifice once we enter the beautiful but crazy world of motherhood. Most of the time we look at ourselves in the mirror in our sweatpants, with our greasy ponytails, with baby spit up running down our cleavage, and a bigger belly than we used to have because the 9 lb. 4 oz. little one decided to blow your belly up like a balloon over the course of 9 months. We look at ourselves and see MOM. We don't see Rachel, Sarah, Ashley, Rebecca, Debbie, Nichole, or Lori. WE. SEE. MOM. We rarely take time for ourselves as we give most of our time to tending to our little ones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Got the flu? Too bad, you still better show up to "work" at 6:30am when your darling 9 month old is crying in his crib, ready to be fed. Feel like death? Too bad, you gotta clean up the throw up off your 3 year old's bed because she caught the flu from you, all while you are holding your 9 month old son, who is still crying because he is hungry. Your husband is deployed, your dishwasher is broke, your air conditioning just went out, and your sickness continues to get worse and worse. Meanwhile, it's almost bedtime and you are counting down the minutes as your 3 year old is crying because she misses daddy, all while your 7 year old angrily tells her daddy left them to go shoot guns and get shot at in ALF-GAM-STAN. You hold back your tears and you try to think of where he might have heard that but you comfort your 3 year old as you hold your 9 month old on your other hip and hold back tears yourself because you miss "daddy" too. And to think....he still has 5 months left. Need a day to yourself? Take the kids to grandmas! Oh wait, but you are stationed 857 miles from any family and all your friends here have kids and lives of their owns, you can't ask them to watch your kids so you can take a shower ALONE, so you can go to the bathroom ALONE, so you can go walk the aisle of Target aimlessly, ALONE! Getting tired reading all that? I am! Most of it probably doesn't even make sense. But that's because nothing during our crazy days usually make sense. To sum this up, as much as motherhood is a beautiful thing, it also at times can be stressful and most of the time, us mothers never take time to ourselves to remember that we aren't just mom. We are Rachel, Sarah, Ashley, Rebecca, Debbie, Nichole, Lori, etc. etc. Mothers are some of the strongest people there are and also some of the most giving. I, being a mother, want to give back to those mothers who give so much. So that being said, I am running a contest to give away a free portrait shoot to one lucky winner. Not only will they be getting a free portrait shoot to show off their beautiful self. They will ALSO be treated to a "mamas day out" with professional hair & makeup by Makeup by Briana, all while sipping on a glass of wine, eating strawberries dipped in chocolate, and being KID FREE. ;) Sometimes it's the little things like adult conversation, a little makeup, and being reminded of your beauty when you see yourself looking pretty in a picture that can give you the little pick me up you sometimes need. Taking time to yourself is just as important as giving time to your little ones. So take this opportunity to have a day to yourself and be spoiled. :) Then, on those days when you look at yourself as mom in the mirror and see that 3 day no shower hair, crusty makeup, and sweet potato baby food running down your shirt and you wonder where YOU went, you can pull out the photos from your shoot and be reminded of your beauty that you easily forget because you are so full with the inward beauty of the selflessness of that which is - MOTHERHOOD. Being supermom isn't an easy job, but someone has gotta do it. ;) See details on the contest giveaway below!

These are some of the photos that remind me of the strength & beauty of motherhood. Some of these photos remind me about the blessings of motherhood, but also those times that made me feel like SUPERMOM.
"A mother is she who can take the place of all others,
but whose place no one else can take."
The winner with the most "likes" will receive the "mamas day out" which will consist of:
wine & chocolate strawberries
professional hair & makeup by Makeup by Briana
portrait style photoshoot with Rachel Smith Photography
Contest ends September 30th at 11:59pm!
This promotion/contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Facebook.
1. Submit a photo of you being mom with your kid(s) along with a paragraph telling what makes you a strong supermom. I want to know what struggles you may have overcome to make you feel like a supermom. I also want to hear about the joys you’ve experienced as a mother that make your life as a mother, beautiful. [email info to: rachelsmithphotographyNC@gmail.com with SUPERMOM as the email title]